adventures in reflective surfaces

At my desk at work, playing with my new pencam (San Francisco)
I've always been entranced with the reflective backing of CDs. I've always thought that that coppery glow, accented by the barely perceptible concentric rings, did wonders for one's perception of physical objects.Top - This contemplative shot (complete with disco ball and air ducts in the background) speaks volumes about my recent rounds of soul searching--looking into my personal abyss and seeing myself staring back. Facing yourself fully, as difficult as it is to do, is the only way to accept yourself fully and be truly happy.Bottom - Two things I love about this shot: 1) The bolt of prismatic light emanating from my head is such an amazing and unexpected effect, 2) eerily reminiscient of General Zod being trapped in the Phantom Zone--again, completely unexpected and unintentional.
03 2001